Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Scene At The Movies live in the studio!

We had an blast with Scene At The Movies last week who performed their songs Hymn For The Romantic and Stars (a new unrecorded song) live! Watch out for Dharen's fantastic new slogan for The Limelight Hour in the Stars video! Thanks for the good times and great laughs guys...!

Remember to enter the contest to WIN A SIGNED Scene At The Movies EP!!!


Hymn For The Romantic


  1. Hahah guys awesome! So hilarious!!! You guys rock! Rurve you rong time!

  2. 2 minutes of bloopers is too much to sit through. next time spilt the bloopers from the real song

  3. haha but they were SOOOO funny! :p

    ...but thanks for the feedback!

  4. I thought it was pretty funny haha funny brothers. It's good to see the personalities behind these songs.

  5. You guys are just so sexay! Dharen is luscious and Rohan makes good girls go bad.
