Monday, July 6, 2009

Week 10 Recap

Another fun Saturday at the studio for The Limelight Hour!
This week we tried to force Giulia to do the Thriller dance, but she told us she had forgotten it and would show us a video of it from her youth instead...Lucky for her the video is in Singapore!
Lionel said that he had to use his bum cheeks to warm up his fingers...(note to self, never shake hands with Lionel :P) and Kevin showed up at the studio carrying a big blue shopping bag full of sound-guy equipment so he could go and mix a gig straight after the show! As for me, I was super relaxed and happy because I had just returned from a week up in Far North Queensland ahhh.

Anyway! The songs we played:

Don't Wanna - Jo Dawson
Overload - The Vulpine
Special One - Carmen Tong
Comfort Me - Andrew Lim
Sunlight - Hannah Elisabeth
Shooting Star - Broken Scar
The Flower - Andrew Shepherd
Doll - Dee Khoo

Big thanks to Charles J Tan who came in and performed live!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to The Final Eclipse boys, now I have two proper hard cases for my gear! WOOT! Super stoked! Shoutout to The Final Eclipse, Sanny and Strings!
