Sunday, July 19, 2009

Music is the language of us all

I sing in my bathroom. That's the most 'musician' I can get. Maybe it's the small confined space that makes me sound better than in public, but it's also the location I feel the most comfortable. The crew (actually only Asami) make me feel disabled about my inability to produce music.

Being musicians, Lionel, Kevin and Asami usually engage in music conversations. They have quite concentrated dialogues on singing in falsetto, contralto and chest voices. Mostly, I never contribute to those conversations and even if I did, who listens to the non musician anyway? They get excited about Midi keyboards, wave files, and have even taught me how to build my own microphone pop screen (something I am OBVIOUSLY going to construct very soon). So sometimes, I find myself zoning out of those chats. What? No sorry, I just lied. I always pay attention to everything they say. To the point, I'm the only non-musician in the group. But guess what, that's why I stand out.

They have not realized this yet but they actually NEED me to be a non musician. Who else is going to go to all their gigs and still tell them they are awesome, although they call themselves pitchy. Who else is still going to think how sensational they are on stage, although they screwed up a song. Who else is going to appreciate all their music and not worry about things like sibilance. Who else is going to boast about how cool she is to have such talented friends. The secret is out. The real reason I'm not a musician is because Lionel, Kevin and Asami need me to be who I am.


  1. BAHAH! oh gosh I'm so sorry!! We all know you are the specialest :)

  2. were you in bitch mode when you wrote this lol

  3. didnt you use to be in the choir. keep blogging you guys! gives me something to read before i go to bed.

  4. HAHAHA it seems that you sound so annoyed to not be a musician. so ya, were you in bitch mode when you wrote this? because i know you dont actually care lol


  5. this is Giulia in serious mode!
    hahaha every reader would probably wanna read a different entry every now and then anyway. so people! i'm sure miss G wasn't pissed, annoyed or whatever.
    Go Giulia! We love you! (:


  6. Michelle, I'm sure you didn't mean you read MY posts before you go to sleep right? hahaha. I think I gotta take a break from the "Going Independent" series for a while. LOL.

  7. i didnt realise that people would notice but yes i was annoyed while writing this post hahah. not because i had to write it or i'm jealous that lionel, kevin and asami have talents i dont have (well maybe a litte :p ) but because of something that happened earlier that day.

    i was writing this at the same time while talking about the earlier events so you can see the mood change from the first to the last paragraph. wow i didnt realise that my feelings could seep through to my writing and people would actually notice it haha. good job people. thanks for your comments!

    oh and yes i used to be in the choir....when i was like 12!!! then my voice box broke. hey i'm not kidding. my voice really did get lower. hahahaha.

    wait for my next post. i promise to not be annoyed!

  8. hey, i'm not a muso too! we can both stand out together with Miss J and Miss V!!

  9. Great post Giulia! best one yet!

    You cant sing to save your life, but we love you anyway!
