Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby Steps

I think that like many novice musos, I began the journey with much the wrong idea. I thought: “This will be easy! I’ll write a bunch of songs, get a bunch of guys together, rock out at some shows, record an album, and become famous!”

Alas, it was not so. After starting my band (Nobody) over 2 years ago now, I’ve only really gotten as far as “get a bunch of guys together” …and even that part wasn’t easy! ‘Nobody’ is now officially on its third drummer since inception. The first one got married and re-prioritised his commitments, and the second sessioned with us and decided our practice regime was too strenuous. It took over 18 months to find the right drummer, with the right gear, right feel, and most importantly – the right level of commitment. I can only count myself fortunate enough to have started with the right people on guitar and bass.

It is only many months later that we are near ready to play proper and worthy live sets. The amount of work put into the ‘sound’ of our band cannot be enumerated, and neither is it anywhere near completion. However, every now and then you reach a milestone from which you find encouragement, and are able to propel forward.

Just recently ‘Nobody’ completed its first ever recording. It is a demo recorded as a ‘Live to 2’ track ie. one complete take of a live performance in a studio for which the output of the mixer is captured. Whilst this may seem trivial for the more veteran musician, for myself at least it was a small moment of pride. The amazement we shared at hearing ourselves recorded live (and sounding pretty good, if I may say so) has created in us a hunger for more.

If you are interested, you can check out our first ever recording @

If you are a noob musician like me, look out for these moments and hang on to them to drive you forward. They are only baby steps, but they remind us that we are headed in the right direction…!

- Nigel Nobody

Special thanks to Top Notch Audio for the great work!