Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chance Favours The Prepared Mind

Over 10 years ago, my Year 9 Geography teacher (Mr Sutter) proclaimed at the beginning of class:

“Chance favours the prepared mind”

It is one of those lessons in life that has stuck with me, and I have learned similar axioms along the long road since then:

“Expect the best, prepare for the worse”

…and so on, so on. Why am I psycho-babbling? Well, mostly because I like too. However, there is a greater purpose to this post! One of the great benefits of running shows like The Limelight and Sunday Sessions is the challenge of tackling an immensely steep learning curve and of watching other new and experienced bands do so as well.

In this case, I’m going to share some of my learning from personal experience, and also from observing much more veteran musos, on how you can get the best possible result from a live performance.

(1) Practice is King!
No matter how good you think you are, you aren’t good enough. There is also going to be another band that will blow your te$ticles away. So, you need to practice. More. I mean MORE.

(2) If it can go wrong, it will!
Without intending to be a doomsayer, this really is true. I have seen everything from broken strings, bad leads, straps snapping on stage, to shorted amps and busted drum skins. It is best to have a plan for when they do happen and keep your set moving.

(3) Bring more ammo than you need!
…and I do mean everything. Always carry spare batteries for your devices, and maybe even a variable transformer for DC power if needed. A set of spare strings, strap locks and an extra strap, way too many sticks, feedback busters, and extra cables are all a must.

(4) The sound guy is your FRIEND!
I have seen many bands crack it at the sound guy. Often, it is because they do not appreciate the nature of the beast that is live sound. However, if you are friends with the mixing engineer and you trust them, they will take care of you to the best of their ability given whatever gear is available at the venue. Worse case, bring your own to be sure! Leave the ego at home.

We’re all chasing the perfect live set. The more prepared you are, the closer you will get to it. Don’t just rock up thinking your name is Bono, and expect it to happen…

- Nigel Nobody

1 comment:

  1. this is totally true :) "always be prepared", and have a back up plan for everything. awesome post nigel!
